-- Humans Guide to Kotlxax -- Welcome humans! This house and yard has been set aside for your pleasure when visiting the city. Please feel free to warm up by the torchlight with a good book, or take a luxurious bath in the luguzzi tub. Fresh water is supplied -- -- by the polar icecaps, melted and piped into your cottage. Enjoy! For those wishing a tour of the city, please read on: The zazaontimonic power station can be found in the western section of the city,with pumping stations nearby. Please don't touch the pumps as they are very hot with steam. Also be careful not to remove any radium deposits, as they can be harmful. As you travel eastward through the city, be sure to watch the great furnaces in action, glowing with molten power and heat from their radium-filled cores, and coal-based dou-reaction systems. Also be sure to visit the ground relay antenna section, safe to walk over, this pink colored tile-network is responsible for relaying the power to topside areassuch as the automated bridges and Gonzar teleporter plaza. If you want the ride of your life, just step on to one of the plaza tiles when they're active and you'll zoom across the land! Really! Moving eastward through the city, you'll encounter the baffle pipe system. This system of cool purple tiles transferes excess heat harmlessly into the ice cap, and the overflow provides ample warmth to the city. And as always, remember the honor system: Borrow what thou needeth, but giveth freely as well. Take care, and enjoy your visit! END